Friday, June 26, 2009

Nice assets...

Just a few thigs I was thinking about seeing in this level. I am working on a mood board that should sum up the feel of the environment. Tomorrow I will have my asset list completed, work schedule planned, and milestones set.


  1. When using ut2004 you shoudl be thinking about what assets you cannot create with bsp. Those boxes look like they can be made with bsp, but not the barrels and not the rubber shredders. Its good to model elemnts that will be used often in your map, like railings or lamps.If you make the switch to ut3 you should think about making most of your level out of mesh. Alot of the gorundwork can be layed with bsp but most of the flair will be compiled of mesh. In this case it is important ot think of the levels basic building blocks liek stairs and columns and model those.

  2. Ah HAH! My questions from the above posts have been answered here! I should have started from the bottom. I am pickin' up what you are puttin' down in the flair department. I will focus time into 3D Studio Max. This is awesome! Thank you!
